online personal trainer

Online Personal Trainer – Choosing the Best

Using the services of an online personal trainer will suit many people for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re in COVID-19 isolation, located remotely or experiencing bad weather, an online personal trainer can be helpful to your goals. In fact, surveys show that gym-goers or those working out after a long break will only last three months. After the initial excitement of starting an exercise program enthusiasm wanes as the hard work kicks in and results slow. 

Boredom can quickly take over and motivation slides as the repetitive nature of basic fitness programs take hold. Working out in isolation can make matters even worse for some. A great solution to keep yourself accountable and motivated is to hire an online personal trainer. Of course meeting up with a personal trainer in person is also great if your circumstances allow. Not only will a trainer add variety to your program, they will re-energise you to keep working toward your goals. 

As with most things, not all trainers are created equal. Here’s five points to consider to help choose the best online personal trainer for you. 

1 Qualifications

The first thing to ask a potential personal trainer is what qualifications they have. There are many unqualified trainers who pose many risks including recommending unsuitable programs that put you at risk of injury. The last thing you need is damage to muscles, tendons or ligaments! Enquire as to when and where they obtained their credentials. Is their training from large, reputable providers? What do their past clients have to say about them? Be sure to discover what their area of expertise is and whether it aligns with your specific needs and goals. 

2 Cost

Charges vary greatly between personal trainers and more expensive doesn’t always mean better. By shopping around you will discover the average of a standard trainer and be able to make good comparisons between their services. Some trainers offer free trial sessions or at least offer good discounts when booking multiple sessions. Always be clear on cancellation terms and conditions, in particular what notice period and fees any potential trainer requires.  

3 Likeable

A highly qualified affordable trainer with expertise in your area of need sounds like the perfect match. However, if you don’t click with the personality type of your chosen coach your results can suffer. Needing to spend at least a few hours a week together, online or in person, means it’s important you’re happy to turn up! Dreading your training sessions because you just don’t get along will not help you reach your goals. It can take some trial and error to find the right trainer though so ask for free or discounted trial lessons at the outset. 

personal trainer

4 Genuine help

When it comes to determining if a given trainer has the ability and desire to genuinely help you follow your intuition. First impressions can be remarkably accurate so if it feels right then why not book a trial. If on the other hand you hear promises of results that sound too good to be true, and supplement sales pitches, then you should consider interviewing more candidates.

5 Is it about you?

The human body is complicated. Your body, your history, your personality, your challenges are complicated. This human complexity is why it’s imperative that your online personal trainer is interested in you. What questions do they have about you? Has there been adequate time allotted by your trainer to understand your goals, physical needs etc? Are they keen to speak with other health care providers to learn more about you? For example, discuss your history with your physiotherapist or knee surgeon or whatever the case may be. Knowledge is power, and when your trainer gathers relevant information they are able to tailor a program most suited to your needs for maximum progress.

Overall, engaging a coach to assist you in reaching your fitness goals is well worth the investment. Furthermore, by considering the five points above you’ll be sure to select the best online personal trainer for your needs.

fitness goals

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